Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Does the thought of dental procedures fill you with fear or anxiety? Grand Peak Family Dental offers sedation dentistry options that can help. If you've been avoiding the dentist because of fear, take a look at the ways you can have a stress-free and pain-free dental experience.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry involves the administration of medication to induce relaxation in patients during dental procedures. Although commonly referred to as "sleep dentistry," this term is not entirely accurate. Typically, patients remain awake unless under general anesthesia.

Ways Sedation Dentistry Can Help

Sedation dentistry offers numerous benefits to our patients seeking dental care:

  • It reduces pain and discomfort during dental procedures and ensures a more comfortable experience.
  • The calming effects of sedation promote relaxation and alleviate anxiety, making visits to the dentist less stressful.
  • For patients with sensitive teeth or a strong gag reflex, sedation dentistry provides relief and enhances comfort during treatment.
  • It allows extensive dental work to be performed without causing discomfort and several procedures to be completed in a single visit.
  • Sedation dentistry is a real game-changer for patients with dental phobia. It's a solution that ensures you can get the dental care you need, all while leaving fear and anxiety at the door.

With sedation dentistry, everyone can access the dental care they need without unnecessary stress or apprehension. The benefits and comfort provided by sedation dentistry make it an excellent option for individuals seeking a relaxed and pain-free dental experience.

Ways Sedation Dentistry Can Help

Sedation dentistry offers numerous benefits to our patients seeking dental care:

  • It reduces pain and discomfort during dental procedures and ensures a more comfortable experience.
  • The calming effects of sedation promote relaxation and alleviate anxiety, making visits to the dentist less stressful.
  • For patients with sensitive teeth or a strong gag reflex, sedation dentistry provides relief and enhances comfort during treatment.
  • It allows extensive dental work to be performed without causing discomfort and several procedures to be completed in a single visit.
  • Sedation dentistry is a real game-changer for patients with dental phobia. It's a solution that ensures you can get the dental care you need, all while leaving fear and anxiety at the door.

With sedation dentistry, everyone can access the dental care they need without unnecessary stress or apprehension. The benefits and comfort provided by sedation dentistry make it an excellent option for individuals seeking a relaxed and pain-free dental experience.

Sedation Dentistry In Billings, MT

At Grand Peak Family Dental, we offer two types of sedation options: nitrous oxide and oral sedation. Dr. Bollinger will discuss these options with you and decide which one is the best fit for your situation.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a safe and effective sedative agent that is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a small mask that fits over your nose to help you relax. It's not intended to put you to sleep - you will be able to hear and respond to any requests or directions the dentist may have. The effects of nitrous oxide wear off soon after the mask is removed.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation can range from minimal to moderate, depending on the total dose given. For minimal sedation, you take a pill that makes you drowsy but still awake. For moderate sedation, a larger dose may be given. This is the type of anesthesia most commonly associated with sedation dentistry. Some people become groggy enough from moderate oral sedation to fall asleep during the procedure, but they usually can be awakened with a gentle shake.

Call Us Today

If you have been avoiding the dentist due to fear or anxiety, it's time to reconsider. Sedation dentistry at Grand Peak Family Dental can change your dental experience for the better. Contact us today!

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